Our Motto: “To cover a minister or ministry implies they are under us. To offer them our hand-in-fellowship means that we come alongside you, and you to come alongside us. The concept we offer is that of an upside-down triangle, rather than top-down, bottom-up. The fact that true apostolic and bishopric ministry is to be foundational and come under people to lift them up and serve them by helping to push them to a higher level of insight in the knowledge of the Eternal Christ within.”
Bishop Dr. Bill Hanshew, D.B.S., D. Th., D.C.C.
WBSITC President/Founder
How We Started
Dr. Bill Hanshew, presiding Bishop over WBSITC, and Founder of WBSU, along with Dr. Faye Hanshew, Co-Founder and Managing Director of WBSU, have spent 50-plus years together in ministry.
Our vision is multi-faceted in that while we have spent about 40 years pastoring, and around 10 years involved in Christian education. Our vision for a University was given to us by the Lord in the year 1990, and we have never lost sight of what the Lord put in our hearts. In the past, we have had in-church schools, and have worked in online schools.
WBSU began student registration on January 7, 2019, and then our first classes began the following March. Today, WBSU is fully registered, fully accredited, and recognized by the Department of Higher Education in the State our Corporation is registered in. We are currently in our third year of classes, with our Main Office in Joplin Missouri, and our first International Office in Sierra Leone, Africa, under the direction of our International Director, Apostle, Dr. Abednego Kamara. Today, WBSU is a Tuition-Free, online institution.
Now the cost of your education with WBSU depends on where you live. While WBSU is a Tuition-Free School, meaning the bulk of your education comes at no cost to you, even though there are some small fees remaining. There is an Application Fee, a Registration Fee, and when you complete either your Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate degree program, meaning, before you are eligible to graduate. We hope you enjoy your experience with WBSU.
Learn more About Us.

Ordination of Ministers
Consecration of Apostles
Confirmation of Bishops
World Bible School International Training Center is the parent corporation of the ministry of Dr. Bill & Dr. Faye Hanshew. We are here to encourage ministers around the world to join us as one body, from out of the unified Christ-mind within. Therefore, we offer credentials to those who can walk in harmony with WBSITC.
We offer Ordination, known as “Ordination of Ministers.” Ordinating a Minister is for one who has more than 5 years of full-time ministry experience. It is like the word “Confirmation,” meaning to confirm a certificate upon a minister by Ordaining them into the gospel ministry.
We offer Consecration, known as "Consecration of Apostles," which is for those who already operate in the ministry of an Apostle, and yet desires to be officially recognized as such. An Apostle is one of the 5-fold ministry giftings in the scriptures and is considered a calling or gifting of Christ. Therefore, an Apostle can be recognized and consecrated, receiving a certificate of “Consecration as an Apostle.”
We offer Confirmation, known as "Confirmation of Bishops," which is to Recognize and Confirm a Minister as a Bishop. A Bishop is not listed as one of the 5-fold ministry gifts. Yet, it is our understanding that an Apostle operates the same as a Bishop in Scripture. However, a Bishop may be called upon for a greater degree of responsibility since the word Bishop can also be interpreted as an Overseer. To be “Confirmed as Bishop” one must be an active minister for more than 10-years of full-time ministry.
All “Ordination of Ministers,” “Consecration of Apostles,” and “Confirmation of Bishops” will receive a Certificate for display and a personal ID Card to carry with you.
In addition to the fees listed below, regular offerings for the support of the online ministry of "World Bible School International Training Center" (WBSITC) will be used for the purpose of conducting Kingdom Business and are welcomed and encouraged, but never mandatory.
What we believe is very simple and yet we are continuously being upgraded through downloads of revelation from Holy Spirit. However, we basically believe the following:
Salvation: Salvation means to be rescued. Therefore, is not an event, but a birthing of reconnection to the mind of the Creator of all creation. It is the reconnection that came to all mankind through their origin in the Father. You were created as one-with-God. So, the sacrifice of Jesus was for the purpose of getting the attention of mankind who were disconnected from God in their own minds because of sin. The word sin comes from the Greek word, hamartia meaning, mistaken identity. It was the shedding of the blood of Jesus that satisfied the debt to the law and freed mankind to walk in the grace of God, and partake of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Eternal Christ, bringing mankind back to His life.
The Finished Work: Most people believe that Jesus came to reveal to mankind who the Father was and always has been. He completed everything that the Father sent Him to do. If you believe that the work Jesus did is complete and finished, then inside of you resides His Finished Work, which we call the “fullness of God in you.” The fullness of God is Christ in you, the hope of glory in you and for distribution to others in the form of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We all have within us Father, Son, & Holy Spirit where we all live in union with His mind and we are moving toward having one expression of who He is, which is the manifesting His completed work within.
Holy Spirit: We are born or created as Spirit from before the foundation of the universe. The experience of Holy Spirit came to mankind to enlighten and inspire us with the revelation of truth revealing who you have always been. We believe in having the boldness to be a witness of Jesus and as Jesus, as well as having the ability to demonstrate the manifested power of God in us and within the lives of others through supernatural gifts. We also believe in speaking in other tongues as our personal prayer language.
Spiritual Gifts: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the benefit of others according to scripture. We operate in them according to each person’s individual level of understanding pertaining to each of the nine-gifts. These gifts flow in the individual for the purpose of helping everyone while under the direction of Holy Spirit within.
Divine Healing: A better wording for “Divine Healing” would be “Walking in the Wholeness of the Father.” The Godhead designed His creation to walk in health. And by hearing bad doctrine as we were growing up, and hearing about various sicknesses and diseases, our minds embraced the idea of affliction. However, the will of God is for us to walk in the “Health” of His DNA embedded within us by Him at the moment of creation. Therefore, we pray for one another that our minds-eye or our understanding will see the truth about sickness and embrace the mind of God concerning wholeness for body and mind. As He is, so are we in this world.
Our Message: Overall, we preach Faith, Hope, Victorious Christian Living, Righteousness, Unconditional Love & Grace; which are expressions of the Father’s toward all mankind. When we think as God thinks, that is when we preach the message of His mind to all. God is Love, and therefore we are love and we express who God is as we love in faith, walking in hope, righteousness, and the victory we have been given.
Marriage: This ministry holds to the biblical view of marriage between one man and one woman. There is no biblical precedence for marriage between anyone of the same-sex. Therefore, this ministry does not perform same-sex marriages, nor do we support gay marriage of any form, even though we demonstrate the love of Christ to all. We encourage all who are Ordained with WBSITC to not perform same-sex marriages.
Unconditional Love: This ministry was founded on the idea of loving everyone, no matter what. And although we are all still learning and have our own personal struggles about the performance of other people around us, we still hold to the right to love all of God’s creation, no matter who they are or where their journey in life has brought them from. And while we have stated our position on “not supporting gay marriage,” we do promote our God-given right to love all mankind regardless of religious preference, or personal beliefs. God is love and we are learning as we continue to manifest a greater revelation of His love toward us. We believe in the continual process of learning to agree with what God says.